Wednesday, November 19th, 2014


Wisbech Brewers, Elgood & Sons, have had a very successful year of fund-raising in support of The Norfolk Hospice, Tapping House.

A presentation of money raised at various events will be made during the annual Christmas event to be held in the Brewery Visitor Centre in December.

To further boost funds, there will be a raffle to win a home-made Christmas Pudding and Christmas Cake, both made with Elgood’s beer.

Elgood’s Chairman, Nigel Elgood, said “We are very proud of our association with Tapping House and everyone involved works hard to raise funds for this splendid organisation. This year we have raised in excess of £1000 through our Craft Fairs, Beer Festival and other events. We hope that the proceeds of our raffle will give a considerable further boost to funds!”

The weekend’s events, which run from 11 am to 4 pm on Saturday 6th & Sunday 7th December, include free tours of Elgood’s Classic Georgian Brewery and free sampling of their award-winning draught ales. The gardens will also be open. Entry is free and there is ample free parking for visitors. Refreshments will be available throughout the weekend.

This year, for the first time, there will be a selection of craft stalls offering unusual Christmas gifts. The Brewery’s own Gift Shop will have a selection of seasonal and Brewery-themed gifts. The full range of Elgood’s award-winning bottled beers will be on sale and orders will be taken for draught beer in jugs and polypins for home consumption over the festive season.

Call 01945 583160 for more information.