October 2022 Seasonal Rye of the Tiger now available

Saturday, October 1st, 2022
Elgood's October Seasonal Ale, Rye of the Tiger is now available
Our October 2022 seasonal ale Rye of the Tiger is now available.
This is a premium rich, red beer, brewed to 4.4% ABV. The use of UK Bramling Cross hops and lots of Pale Ale and Amber malts with a generous helping of Rye Crystal give a rich, malty, fruity beer.
This ale is available in cask, 17-pint or 35-pint polypins or 4-pint jugs from our Brewery Shop in Wisbech, please call us on 01945 583160 to order, allowing 24-hours for us to prepare your order.
Our Brewery Shop has available to purchase a selection of our bottled beers, with easy home delivery options available.